The congregations of the Indonesian Christian Lutheran Church (GKLI) serve some of the poorest communities on the island of Sumatra. These communities were severely impacted by the covid-19 lock-downs, which attempted to slow the disease’s spread. The Indonesian government was concerned about covid-19 reaching the smaller villages that do not have adequate medical facilities if any. Needless to say, much like the rest of the world, the people in these villages, while possibly being protected from a rapid spread of covid-19, saw their already difficult struggle with poverty aggravated.
The GKLI had the man power and the desire to respond quickly, but they lacked the financial resources. So they applied for a series of grants and brought food to the hungry in their communities. They received support from the Lutheran World Federation (LWF), the Lutheran Church of Australia (LCA), and the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). The LCMS in particular sent $5,000 to the GKLI in order to assist them in their food distribution. With this money the GKLI was able to feed 370 families for one month. The food provided included 10 kgs of rice, eggs, oil, and sugar. Thousands of masks were also handed out in order to enable people to follow the government mandated order that masks be word in public.
Praise be to God for the on going relationship between the LCMS and the GKLI! Our work together continues to express Christian love in concrete ways. What a blessing! I am extremely excited to be working with this faithful church body and I look forward to seeing what our Heavenly Father has in store for the ministry here as we preach Christ with the full power of the Holy Spirit.