Peace in the Midst of a Pandemic / by Kali Wood

Recently I have read many Facebook posts from my mom-friends in the States who are struggling with this new normal of their children doing part homeschooling and part distance learning. This pandemic has changed their lives drastically.

For us, it has calmed down our lives and brought us into a very stable place. Because Matt and my Bahasa Indonesia classes have finished, we are now home all the time with the girls. Matt can jump into his work full-time and I can focus on my vocation as mother/teacher/wife.

Now that I don’t have to focus on going to class and my own homework I can focus on teaching Laurel and Eleanor. With the extra time we have together we have been able to do some fun learning as well as our basic subjects. We have done science experiments, art and lots of extra reading.

While we miss seeing friends each week at playgroup or play dates, we are happy to be spending more time together. I have found time to cook more, try out new recipes and make things we can’t buy here (like homemade bagels). Matt and I have found time to pull out some of the board games we brought and have some in-home date nights.

We have been given a time to reset as a family, to explore our vocations that God has given us and to trust that He will continue to care for us as we go about our daily lives.